All I ever wanted was everything and by that I mean to create and leave the world a more beautiful place. Lucky for me IG and Pinterest have helped me capture it all along the way…much to my husband’s dismay. Anaïs Nin put it best when she said, “we write to taste life twice, in the moment and in retrospect.” I love reliving moments through the images I capture. I get to feature brands that inspire me and put my own touch on life through styling, decorating and designing jewelry. This is how I experience the world and if you let me, I’d like to take you on the journey with me.
Fashion whipped as a concept is the art of indulging in all things beautiful without losing sight of what’s truly important in life – love, family & friends, stolen kisses, unexpected flowers, late night belly laughs, furry babies and French fries. As a San Diego transplant I get to discover something new here every day. You will find its unparalleled natural beauty in my posts. A vaca destination for many, SD is my home and when you visit my website, I hope you feel as connected to it as I do.